
Established in 2020

Production of textiles and non textiles utilized to create protective shields, lab coats and to create suits made out of high fashion materials.
Elements Textile puts the efficiency and effort in the realization of special and specific textiles that are addressed to the individual, thanks to its laboratory of Research and Development that from diverse years operates in its own industry of textiles. This brought it to the subdivision of its own manufacturing with two diverse lines, the first one being destined to textiles for devices of the individual protection, also known as ELEMENTS HEALTHCARE and ELEMENTS FASHION TEX that focuses on technical textiles that are ideal for the fashion sector.
Creating products of high quality and competence. These are the traits that distinguish from the rest.

Elements TEXTILE


Cover the globe with high quality textiles destined for both high fashion clothing and security of the human beings.


We create and supply textiles and non textiles destined for the well being of the individual that also goes towards the style of the product itself.
